
Manufacturers Of Gearbox, Gear Boxes, Specialised For Worm Gear Boxes, Worm Geared Motor, Special Gear Box, Helical Worm Gear Box, Worm Helical Gear Box.

About Us

Manufactures and designs Gears and Gear boxes

Welcome to Anand Gears

Anand Gears manufactures and designs Gears and Gear boxes. Started by a group of technocrats, we have grown to become one of the reputed suppliers of gears. Our Belief in quality products and processes has helped us position ourselves as a growing supplier of worm, helical gears and custom designed gear trains. We encourage our customers to leverage our know-how, manufacturing capabilities... Read More

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Manufactures and designs Gears and Gear boxes

Manufacturing & designing Gears and Gear boxes

Who We Are
Quality Engineered Products
Adopting Advanced Technologies
High Quality Standards


Manufactures and designs Gears and Gear boxes


(022) 28192107 / 28194793




Bhayander (East), Thane.

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